Connecting Coastal Marshes Using Movements of Resident and Migratory Fishes
In the Laurentian Great Lakes, diurnal migration of fishes into and out of coastal wetlands is well documented, but movement among wetlands is more poorly understood despite important conservation implications. We assessed movements of typically resident species using mark
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Development of an inventory of coastal wetlands for eastern Georgian Bay, Lake Huron
Coastal wetlands of eastern Georgian Bay provide critical habitat for a variety of wildlife, especially spawning and nursery habitat for Great Lakes fishes. Although the eastern shoreline has been designated a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, a complete inventory is lacking.
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Wetland Quality Index
Dr. Chow-Fraser’s lab has developed an indicator of wetland health based on twelve parameters that relate the amount of primary nutrients and sediment in the water column to the degree of disturbance from human activities. This index is referred to as the Water Quality Index (WQI).… Read More
Transferability of object-based rule sets for mapping coastal high marsh habitat among different regions in Georgian Bay, Canada
Coastal wetlands of eastern and northern Georgian Bay, Canada provide critical habitat for a variety of biota yet few have been delineated and mapped because of their widespread distribution and remoteness. This is an impediment to conservation efforts aimed at identifying
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Wetland Zooplankton Index
Several biotic indicators have been developed that can be used as a surrogate of the WQI, and this includes the Wetland Zooplankton Index (Lougheed and Chow-Fraser 2002).… Read More