Mapping Phragmites cover using WorldView 2/3 and Sentinel 2 images at Lake Erie Wetlands, Canada
Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel subspecies australis is an aggressive plant invader in North American wetlands. Remote sensing provides cost-effective methods to track its spread given its widespread distribution. We classified Phragmites in three Lake Erie wetlands
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Mapping invasive Phragmites australis in highway corridors using provincial orthophoto databases in Ontario
We mapped the distribution of invasive Phragmites australis (European common reed) in MTO-operated roadways of southern Ontario using airphotos from a provincial database, the Southwestern Ontario Orthophotography Project (SWOOP), which covers all highways from Windsor east to
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Assessing efficacy of treatment programs to control invasive Phragmites in highway corridors of southwestern Ontario
The invasive haplotype M of Phragmites australis originated in Europe and was introduced to the Atlantic coast in the 1800s. It eventually made its way to southwestern Ontario in the late 1940s. Since 2010, invasive Phragmites has greatly expanded into coastal and inland wetlands
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Use of World View 3 (WV 3) satellite imagery for early detection of invasive Phragmites australis in roadway corridors in Ontario
We tested the suitability of high-resolution (80 cm) multi-spectral satellite data from World View 3 (WV 3) to detect small patches of invasive Phragmites within 20-m buffer of the centre-line of the road. We used ENVI 5.5 to classify the image into seven classes: roads, trees,
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Effects of European Common Reed on Blanding’s Turtle Spatial Ecology
European common reed (Phragmites australis; common reed) is an aggressive invader of North American wetlands that forms homogenous patches and replaces native flora. Dense patches of common reed generally provide poor habitat for many species, although specific effects on at-risk
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