Factors that regulate the zooplankton community structure of a turbid, hypereutrophic Great Lakes wetland
We sampled zooplankton from mid-May to early September over 2 years to study the spatial and seasonal distribution of animals in a large urban wetland of Lake Ontario. Samples were from several habitat types including open water, vegetated areas, fast-flow areas, and a sewage
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Differential effects of chemical preservatives and freezing on the length and dry weight of Daphnia and Diaptomus in an oligotrophic lake
Type-3 functional response in limnetic suspension-feeders as demonstrated by in situ grazing rates
Field-measured grazing rates (ml/animal/d) of cladocerans (mostly daphniids) and diaptomids were assembled from various published studies and plotted as a function of corresponding phytoplankton concentration (micrograms/L f.w.). Filtering rates of both zooplankton groups
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Co-existence of two freshwater copepods in lakes through size divergence and diet partitioning
We examined the vertical and horizontal distribution patterns of Diaptomus minutus Lilljeborg and Diaptomus oregonensis Forbes in several shallow Quebec lakes where they occurred allopatrically and sympatrically within a small geographic region. Both species overlapped
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