Landscape characteristics driving spatial variation in total phosphorus and sediment loading from sub-watersheds of the Nottawasaga River, Ontario
Eutrophication from agricultural runoff is a global problem, often resulting in formation of anoxic zones in receiving water bodies. The Nottawasaga River Watershed (NRW) is dominated by agricultural land-use, and drains into Nottawasaga Bay, Georgian Bay (Lake Huron). A
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Seasonal, interannual and spatial variability in the concentrations of total suspended solids in a degraded coastal wetland of Lake Ontario
A 4-year (1993 through 1996) monitoring program examined the distribution of total sus- pended solids (TSS) in Cootes Paradise Marsh, a shallow (mean depth of 70 cm), degraded, drowned- rivermouth marsh of Lake Ontario. Monthly meteorological and hydrographical data from 1986
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