Periphytic algal biomass as a bioindicator of phosphorus concentrations in agricultural headwater streams of southern Ontario
Algal blooms in Lake Erie have worsened in recent decades and are driven by diffuse export of phospho- rus (P) from a large stream network that drains predominately agricultural land. Given the diffuse nature of nonpoint source pollution, best management practices (BMPs) must
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Landscape characteristics driving spatial variation in total phosphorus and sediment loading from sub-watersheds of the Nottawasaga River, Ontario
Eutrophication from agricultural runoff is a global problem, often resulting in formation of anoxic zones in receiving water bodies. The Nottawasaga River Watershed (NRW) is dominated by agricultural land-use, and drains into Nottawasaga Bay, Georgian Bay (Lake Huron). A
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A test of hypotheses to explain the sigmoidal relationship between total phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentration in Canadian lakes
We tested five hypotheses to explain the sigrnoidal relationship between total phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll a (Chi a), two assuming that the nonlinearity is an artifact of various measurement biases and three assuming that it is based on underlying ecological interactions. Our
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Assessment of phosphorus limitation in an oligotrophic lake using radiophosphorus uptake kinetics
We used P32-uptake kinetics as a means of assessing periods of P limitation to phytoplankton growth in an ultraoligotrophic lake. Tracer experiments, conducted biweekly and weekly in 1975 and 1976, respectively, yielded information regarding the availability of phosphorus over
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