Great Lakes coastal wetlands monitoring and assessment techniques
The overall objective of this study is to contribute to general knowledge on bioassessment of Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Coastal wetlands (also referred to as marshes) are unique systems that experience day-to-day changes due to storms, high winds, and rapid changes in
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Synergistic impact of water level fluctuation and invasion of Glyceria on Typha in a freshwater marsh of Lake Ontario
The effects of multiple stressors on the native Typha marsh community (mainly Typha latifolia) were examined using historical records of water levels, human census population, and field vegetation maps. Percent cover of the major plant species was estimated in a GIS, and the
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Untangling the confounding effects of urbanization and high water level on the cover of emergent vegetation in Cootes Paradise Marsh, a degraded coastal wetland of Lake Ontario
An approach based on a digital elevation model (DEM) was used to untangle the confounding effects of long-term water-level fluctuations and increasing human population on the cover of emergent vegetation in Cootes Paradise Marsh, a degraded coastal wetland in Lake Ontario, Canada
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The distribution of zooplankton in coastal wetland complexes of Lake Erie: association with macrophytes and water quality
Carp exclusion, food-web interactions and the restoration of Cootes Paradise Marsh
Carp were excluded from Cootes Paradise Marsh (Lake Ontario) in 1997 in order to improve water clarity and promote submerged plant growth. On average, turbidity at open water and vegetated areas was reduced by 40 and 60 percent, respectively, following carp exclusion. However,
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