Factors Affecting Macrophyte and Fish Distribution in Coastal Wetlands of Georgian Bay
The three studies in this thesis are dedicated to improving knowledge on coastal wetlands of the Great Lakes, particularly those located in Lake Huron, Georgian Bay. The overall goal is to promote the health and conservation of these ecologically threatened ecosystems, which have
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Development and use of fish-based indicators of wetland quality for Great Lakes coastal wetlands
This study focuses on fish habitat in Great Lakes coastal wetlands and the impact of environmental degradation, from nutrient and sediment loading, on fish assemblages. Wetland fish communities were studied on multiple spatial scales from a detailed study of a single wetland to
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Great Lakes coastal wetlands monitoring and assessment techniques
The overall objective of this study is to contribute to general knowledge on bioassessment of Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Coastal wetlands (also referred to as marshes) are unique systems that experience day-to-day changes due to storms, high winds, and rapid changes in
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Effect of Wetland Quality on Sampling Bias Associated with Two Fish Survey Methods for Coastal Wetlands of the Lower Great Lakes
A variety of sampling gear and protocols have been used in the literature to characterize the fish communities of Great Lakes coastal wetlands, and these include passive-capture gears such as gill nets, trap nets, and fyke nets, as well as active-capture gears such as beach
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