Bioavailability of sediment-associated Cu and Zn to D. magna.
Exposures to mining-impacted, field-collected sediment (Clear Creek, CO, USA) contaminated with Cu (2.4 mg/g) and Zn (5.2 mg/g) were acutely toxic to juvenile Daphnia magna. Dissolved Cu and Zn in the overlying water (sediment + reference water) were at levels that could cause
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Type-3 functional response in limnetic suspension-feeders as demonstrated by in situ grazing rates
Field-measured grazing rates (ml/animal/d) of cladocerans (mostly daphniids) and diaptomids were assembled from various published studies and plotted as a function of corresponding phytoplankton concentration (micrograms/L f.w.). Filtering rates of both zooplankton groups
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Dietary change during development in the freshwater calanoid copepod Epischura lacustris Forbes
The diet of the freshwater calanoid copepod Epischarra Iacustris from C2 to adult stage was examined with predation experiments, grazing experiments, and stomach content analyses. There was a transition from an exclusively herbivorous diet in early copepodid stages to an
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